Researchers said investment was needed in mental health services. “Services need to be able to detect and treat common mental disorders promptly and be optimized to suit patients in these critical parts of their lives,” he concluded.

New study reveals lasting emotional effects of childhood trauma
Talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy, can help people organize memories in a healthy way by helping them identify and change troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

Unresolved trauma linked to poorer health for women
According to the Office on Women’s Health, abuse, whether physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual, can have long-term effects on mental health impacting self-esteem and relationships. Women who have gone through abuse or other trauma have a higher risk of developing a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is possible to heal the physical, mental, and emotional scars of trauma and abuse.

California fires leave lasting mental health issues for survivors
Researchers at University of California San Diego, published a novel study that looked at the psychological consequences, finding that exposure to “climate trauma” for affected residents resulted in increased and chronic mental health problems, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

Patients with dissociation following trauma more likely to experience PTSD
Results from the largest prospective study of its kind indicate that for individuals who experience trauma, the presence of dissociation — a profound feeling of detachment from one’s sense of self or surroundings — may indicate a high risk of later developing severe post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, physical pain, and social impairment. The research, which was led by investigators at McLean Hospital, is published in the American Journal of Psychiatry.

Research looks at the toll PTSD has on relationships
Study highlight the importance of understanding associations between PTSD and interpersonal functioning among firefighters. PTSD can affect people who personally experience the traumatic event, those who witness the event, or those who pick up the pieces afterwards, such as emergency workers and law enforcement officers.