Clients consistently rank Dr. Jenny Holland very high, recognizing not only her expertise in the field of psychotherapy, but for her compassionate and caring nature.
Dr. Holland has been in private practice for more than 17 years, helping patients to make life enhancing changes in what can be a complicated and overwhelming world.
California psychotherapy

Sharing meals with others reduces stress, boosts self-esteem
Connecting with friends, family, coworkers and neighbors benefits people beyond stress relief. In fact, the survey found 67% of people say sharing a meal remind them of the importance of connecting with other people, and 54% say it reminds them to slow down and take a break. Survey respondents who are employed full or part-time said they would feel less stressed at work if they had more time to take a break and share a meal with a co-worker.

From Isolation to Community
Following the pandemic, many people are finding it difficult to reunite with their social groups. Social isolation and loneliness are associated with behaviors that negatively impact cardiovascular and brain health, such as lower levels of self-reported physical activity, low nutritional intake, and a more sedentary lifestyle. Multiple large studies found significant associations between loneliness and a higher likelihood of smoking and other addictive habits. Taking charge of your mental health to overcome isolation and loneliness will make life worth living again, and it might just save your life.