
Unresolved trauma linked to poorer health for women

Unresolved trauma linked to poorer health for women

According to the Office on Women’s Health, abuse, whether physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual, can have long-term effects on mental health impacting self-esteem and relationships. Women who have gone through abuse or other trauma have a higher risk of developing a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is possible to heal the physical, mental, and emotional scars of trauma and abuse.

Support for Cancer Patients

Support for Cancer Patients

As a cancer survivor myself, I enjoy working with cancer patients, to help improve quality-of-life while they go through treatment. We do this by addressing symptoms that may arise practically and imaginatively. Living with uncertainty, pain, and compromised physical ability takes a cumulative toll. I am here to help.

Art therapy benefits stressed caregivers

Art therapy benefits stressed caregivers

A cancer diagnosis is incredibly stressful for the person receiving the diagnosis. But those caring for the patient, both informally and formally, also experience stress, which can affect their own health and the patient’s outcome. One study showed coloring and open-studio art therapy benefits stressed caregivers of cancer patients.

California fires leave lasting mental health issues for survivors

California fires leave lasting mental health issues for survivors

Researchers at University of California San Diego, published a novel study that looked at the psychological consequences, finding that exposure to “climate trauma” for affected residents resulted in increased and chronic mental health problems, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.