Dr. Holland is a psychotherapist practicing in Sonoma County, California, providing cutting edge, integrative and evidence-based mental health care, proven effective with depression and anxiety, life transitions; pregnancy, parenting, ageing, loss, and caring for a parent or loved one during a health crisis or decline. Appointments: 707-479-2946. Visit drjennyholland.com
Grief Support
Grief is often painful, but for some people, the emotions can become overwhelming. When a person’s grief is severe and unrelenting, Dr. Holland can offer support. In time, a person can recover from their loss and adjust to a new life.

People of different generations can be lonely for different reasons
People of different generations are equally lonely but for different reasons, a study suggests. Living alone increases the risk of loneliness in older age whereas in midlife feeling isolated is more linked to personality traits, the research found. The study found emotionally-resilient people – those more able to adapt in stressful situations – are less at risk of loneliness at any age, and outgoing middle-aged people are less likely to feel lonely.

The health risks associated with isolation and loneliness
Risk of social isolation increases with age due to life factors, such as widowhood and retirement. Nearly 1/4 of U.S. adults ages 65 and older are socially isolated, and prevalence of loneliness is even higher, with estimates of 22% to 47%. A survey from the project describes “Gen Z” (adults currently ages 18-22) as the loneliest generation. Increased isolation and loneliness among younger adults may be attributed to higher social media use and less engagement in meaningful in-person activities.

Speaker Aims to Improve Mental Health Access for Older Adults
An estimated one in four older adults experiences a mental health condition, including depression, anxiety and substance use disorder, and individuals age 85 or older had the highest suicide rate in 2020, according to the committee. The opioid epidemic has also severely burdened older Americans. Almost 80,000 older adults died from an opioid overdose between 1999 and 2019.

Caregivers focus on positive emotions to reduce anxiety and depression
Caring for family members with dementia — which is on the rise in the U.S. — causes significant emotional and physical stress that increases caregivers’ risk of depression, anxiety and death. A method presented in one study for coping with that stress by teaching people how to focus on positive emotions reduced their anxiety and depression after six weeks. It also resulted in better self-reported physical health and positive attitudes toward caregiving.

It’s Okay to Talk About It!
Good mental health promotes a positive self-image and leads to more fulfilling relationships. Having good mental health generates good decision making and life’s challenges become more doable.