According to one national report, major depression is rising at a faster rate for millennials and teens compared with any other age group. In fact, over the past decade millennials have seen a 47% increase in major-depression diagnoses.
Dhyana Kearly

Many people thrive following mental health interventions
New research reports that many people who have suffered from mental illness are able to thrive and lead a high-functioning life. This new study compared the mental health conditions tracked in the survey and other data associated with each participant’s quality of life, including their social relationships, positive emotions, perceived quality of life, and functioning (ability to fulfill life roles).

It’s Okay to Talk About It!
Good mental health promotes a positive self-image and leads to more fulfilling relationships. Having good mental health generates good decision making and life’s challenges become more doable.

Study examines depression among youth with substance use
A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP), reports that, among youth with substance use and depression, a significant proportion show early improvements in depression during their treatment for substance use. Youth who are using cannabis less frequently prior to treatment and those without conduct disorder are more likely to experience early depression improvement.

Emotional well-being gets a boost from optimism
Researchers followed 233 older men who first completed an optimism questionnaire; 14 years later, they reported daily stressors along with positive and negative moods on eight consecutive evenings up to three times over an eight-year span. The researchers found more optimistic men reported not only lower negative mood but also more positive mood (beyond simply not feeling negative). They also reported having fewer stressors which was unrelated to their higher positive mood but explained their lower levels of negative mood.

Couple’s Therapy Review
“Couples who want to get therapy are doing the best thing they could ever do for their relationship. I would recommend her to anyone seeking therapy and if it’s your first time, she is just the best at putting you at ease right away. Making this investment is absolutely worth it.”