Empower Yourself for Change
In an ever changing world, it can be difficult to make positive changes in our lives. Here are a few suggestions that I hope might be helpful.
LIMIT your exposure to social media and news coverage. Have a face-to-face conversation with someone, even if it's someone in the check-out line at the grocery store.
KEEP moving! Physical activity boosts our mood, gives us energy and a sense of agency and empowerment. Go for a walk.
GET support from trusted allies, friends, colleagues and organizations. Isolation can heighten our painful emotions making them harder to manage.
SUPPORT and help others who may be struggling. Volunteering is a powerful tool for boosting self-esteem and self-worth. Generosity is a very positive response to suffering. This can be as simple as lending an ear or helping organize a community event or sending a donation if you are able.
BREATHE consciously -- When we are stressed, when we are tired and overwhelmed, it’s easy to hold our breath without even knowing it. And when we do that, we deprive ourselves of oxygen, which, in turn, limits our ability to think clearly in the moment and do things like problem-solving and affect-regulation. Which means, it’s harder for us to calm ourselves down. And we want to calm ourselves down right? So, JUST BREATHE And make it a habit to check in with your breath as often as you can. You might be surprised at how much calmer and clearer you immediately feel by taking a minute to catch your breath.
TAKE ACTION! Do something positive to create change in your own life. Even a small change for the better can be energizing and help ease depression and feelings of helplessness and anxiety.
Educate yourself about the issues that concern you most. Learn something new! Be curious.
If you are having trouble with accepting or adjusting to life’s challenges, Dr. Holland can help you find healthy ways of coping. The simple act of expressing what you’re going through can be very cathartic. Dr. Holland will tailor treatment to meet your specific needs. Fill out the online appointment form to reserve an appointment or call 707-479-2946.