According to a recent study, a significant number of employees are at high risk of burnout. A 2022 survey of 15,000 workers covering 15 countries found that a quarter of employees experienced burnout symptoms. A Mental Health America and FlexJobs study confirmed that workplace stress affects their mental health, with 75 percent facing burnout.
Job Stress

Bridging Talk Therapy with Executive Leadership Coaching
Working with an executive coach offers a confidential and non-judgmental space for leaders to explore their challenges, aspirations, and personal development goals.

Dr. Jenny Holland Empowering Business Leaders
Recognizing the need for a holistic approach to leadership development, Dr. Jenny Holland, a licensed psychologist specializing in executive coaching, organizational development, and leadership development, has emerged as a beacon of support for business leaders seeking personal and professional growth.

A safe place to process the pressures that accumulate on a daily basis
“I am benefiting from having a place to process all of the pressures that accumulate on a daily basis.” Dr. Holland offers expertise to adults for successful aging, overcoming depression and anxiety, trauma, isolation and loneliness.

Psychosocial stress and emotional well-being may play roll in development of disease
As women live longer, a new study looks at how exposure to psychosocial stress over time may contribute to the potential development of heart disease.

Professional Stress, Burnout & Exhaustion
Every job situation will come with varying degrees of stress and frustration that ebb and flow. Burnout, however, is more than that. It is an all-encompassing feeling that you are being pulled in every direction at once and that no matter what you do, you are unable to make progress or move forward.