Dhyana Kearly

Offering kindness to others reduces anxiety and increases happiness

Offering kindness to others reduces anxiety and increases happiness

Several studies reported in the 1990s and early 2000s that mindfulness based treatments can be effective for a range of psychological problems, particularly those associated with anxiety and mood disorders. A study Published by NCBI found that Loving Kindness exercises were effective for self-critical individuals for reducing self-criticism and depression and improving self-compassion along with positive emotions.

Depression and anxiety increases with sedentary isolation

Depression and anxiety increases with sedentary isolation

During the initial COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020, a lot of people suddenly became more sedentary as they adhered to stay-at-home orders or opted to self-isolate. Recently published research found people who continued to spend a higher amount of time sitting in the weeks following were likely to have higher symptoms of depression. A closer investigation into this association could play a role in helping people improve their mental health.

Companion Pets Help to Ease Symptoms of Grief

Companion Pets Help to Ease Symptoms of Grief

Researchers found all individuals who lost their spouse experienced higher levels of depression. However, people without a pet experienced more significant increases in depressive symptoms and higher loneliness than those who had pets. In fact, those who had a pet and experienced the death or divorce of their spouse were no lonelier than older adults who didn’t experience one of those events.

The many mental health benefits of therapy pets

The many mental health benefits of therapy pets

Most people love dogs, and there’s many good reasons for that. Whether you own a dog or just love the idea of a dog, there are many psychological benefits associated with having a canine companion in your life. Numerous research studies help to point out that dogs improve their human companion’s mental and emotional and physical health in some surprising ways, and at every stage of our lives.

Can early therapy improve lifelong cognitive function?

Can early therapy improve lifelong cognitive function?

New study indicates that poor mental health may take its toll on cognition. With up to 20 percent of the population suffering from depression it’s important to recognize its role in cognitive aging, While most studies have pointed to its association in later life, this study shows that depression in early adulthood may lead to lower cognition 10 years later and to cognitive decline in old age.

Controlling sad thoughts not a help for grief process

Controlling sad thoughts not a help for grief process

People who are grieving a major loss, such as the death of a spouse or a child, use different coping mechanisms to carry on with their lives. Psychologists have been able to track different approaches, which can reflect different clinical outcomes. One approach that is not usually successful is avoidant grief, a state in which people suffering from grief show marked, effortful, repeated, and often unsuccessful attempts to stop themselves from thinking about their loss. While researchers have shown that avoidant grievers consciously monitor their external environment in order to avoid reminders of their loss, no one has yet been able to show whether these grievers also monitor their mental state unconsciously, trying to block any thoughts of loss from rising to their conscious state.