Dr Jenny Holland PsyD

Are you ready for therapy for a change!

Are you ready for therapy for a change!

Dr. Holland is a psychotherapist practicing in Sonoma County, California, providing cutting edge, integrative and evidence-based mental health care, proven effective with depression and anxiety, life transitions; pregnancy, parenting, ageing, loss, and caring for a parent or loved one during a health crisis or decline. Appointments: 707-479-2946. Visit drjennyholland.com

Sharing meals with others reduces stress, boosts self-esteem

Sharing meals with others reduces stress, boosts self-esteem

Connecting with friends, family, coworkers and neighbors benefits people beyond stress relief. In fact, the survey found 67% of people say sharing a meal remind them of the importance of connecting with other people, and 54% say it reminds them to slow down and take a break. Survey respondents who are employed full or part-time said they would feel less stressed at work if they had more time to take a break and share a meal with a co-worker.

People of different generations can be lonely for different reasons

People of different generations can be lonely for different reasons

People of different generations are equally lonely but for different reasons, a study suggests. Living alone increases the risk of loneliness in older age whereas in midlife feeling isolated is more linked to personality traits, the research found. The study found emotionally-resilient people – those more able to adapt in stressful situations – are less at risk of loneliness at any age, and outgoing middle-aged people are less likely to feel lonely.

Treating anxiety during pregnancy may provide beneficial outcomes

Treating anxiety during pregnancy may provide beneficial outcomes

Women who experience anxiety about their pregnancies give birth earlier on average than those who don’t, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Patients with dissociation following trauma more likely to experience PTSD

Patients with dissociation following trauma more likely to experience PTSD

Results from the largest prospective study of its kind indicate that for individuals who experience trauma, the presence of dissociation — a profound feeling of detachment from one’s sense of self or surroundings — may indicate a high risk of later developing severe post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, physical pain, and social impairment. The research, which was led by investigators at McLean Hospital, is published in the American Journal of Psychiatry.

Teens exhibiting record levels of stress-related mental health problems

Teens exhibiting record levels of stress-related mental health problems

The mental health crisis among teens has prompted an urgent quest for preventive interventions. Researchers believe they have one. As the team explains in a recent study, the 30-minute online training module teaches teenagers to channel their stress responses away from something negative that needs to be feared and tamped down towards recognizing those responses — sweaty palms, a racing heart, for example — as a positive driving force.